• I’ve met Tudor in November 2011 and since then he remains our first choice for handling any events we are producing in Romania.

    Tudor and his team are passionate professionals that can handle any task within Event Production & related services area. Given the fact that we closely worked together for producing The LMFAO show in Bucharest, I can strongly recommend him for just about any job in the industry.

    Ozgur Ipekci, Owner Unilife Entertainment Group

  • The Original Outfit s-a dovedit a fi, inca de la inceputul colaborarii noastre, un partener priceput, serios si de incredere. Echipa partenerilor nostri a reusit sa contribuie cu succes la gestionarea impecabila a oricarui eveniment, indiferent de complexitatea acestuia.
    Ii recomand oricui isi doreste profesionalism, onestitate si experienta.

    Valentin Vasiloiu, Managing Director Eventim Romania

  • Tudor este un excelent profesionist in tot ce inseamna logistica de eveniment, fie ca vorbim de food and beverages sau de implementarea propriu-zisa a productiei. Atent la detalii si extrem de rational, are o viziune de ansamblu care il sprijina atat in organizare pe termen lung, cat si in solutionarea momentelor de criza.

    Sonia Lodi, Managing Partner Gala Concerts